Special Inspections
The City of San Antonio (CoSA) has and continues to require Special Inspections to be performed for all permits issued by the City for occupancy rated structures. In the last few years, the City has implemented tighter restrictions on and enforcement of these Special Inspections requirements, including implementing a requirement that all Special Inspectors be registered with and approved by the City. Most recently (as of April 1, 2021) all Special Inspectors are required to be a Professional Engineer (P.E.), a Licensed AIA Architect, or hold current certification through agencies such as International Code Council (ICC), National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET), American Concrete Institute (ACI), and others.
With this change, once a project has received a construction permit dated on or after April 1, 2021 from the City, the project will require Special Inspection services to be performed on the project by certified and registered personnel for items including:
- Soils & Deep Foundations
- Reinforced Concrete
- Prestressed (Post Tensioned) Concrete
- Wood Framing
- Structural Steel (Including Welding & Bolting)
- Spray Applied Fireproofing
- Fire-Resistant Penetrations and Joints
- Exterior Insulation & Finish System (EIFS)
Over the last three years, ARIAS has prepared for this change and our Construction Materials Testing department is ready, certified, and registered to provide Special Inspections (inclusive of the services listed above and others) for your project(s) in San Antonio. Providing Special Inspection reports and letters efficiently has been added to our best practices outlined in our Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) plan through the utilization of MetaField, our web based CMT reporting software.
If you would like to learn more in-depth information about this new requirement, ARIAS is available to provide a virtual or in-person lunch-n-learn presentation specifically covering ICC Special Inspections and how we can be of service for current and future projects.